Full listing
APCP - Do new therapies and changing presentations require a new management focus in SMA and other neuromuscular disorders
APCP - National Service- Conservative Management of Anterior Chest Wall Deformity
East Anglia CPIP Regional Trainer Refresher and Regional Network meeting (limited to East Region Trainers)
Idiopathic Toe Walkers: BSCOS/APCP consensus, current literature and clinical pathways.
APCP MSK Ankle & Foot Level II (Advancing Your Practice)
APCP Neonatal Physiotherapy Foundation (Level I) Course
Neonatal Physiotherapy Enhanced Course (1 day asynchronous learning & 1 day face to face)
APCP Introduction to Paediatric Physiotherapy (ITPP) – An informative and comprehensive programme, for physiotherapists who wish to specialise in Paediatric Physiotherapy (This course runs up to 30th September 2025)