Respiratory Committee Publications and Documents

Commissioning Tool for Community Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy Posts

The APCP Respiratory Committee have developed a commissioning tool for new and developing Community Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy posts in order to assist and advise on different ways of developing a new service, key results, challenges and solutions.

This document is available from the Publications pages.

Guidelines for Nasopharyngeal Suction of a Child or Young Adult

This guideline has been produced to give those people undertaking nasopharyngeal suction in children an up-to-date evidence based guide, to ensure a safe and effective technique.  Where evidence is lacking, consensus has been reached by specialist respiratory paediatric physiotherapists across the UK.  It is intended that this is used as a template; additions may be needed to fit in with local policies.

This document is available from the Publications pages.

Recommendations for Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy Care of the Complex Child in the Community

The Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists Respiratory Committee recognise that provision of paediatric respiratory physiotherapy in the community for children and young people with complex needs varies across the UK. In the absence of quality research to guide practice, these recommendations aim to share best practice in the commissioning, training and delegation of respiratory physiotherapy care for children and young people.

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