Commissioning Tool for Community Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy Posts

The APCP Respiratory Committee have developed a commissioning tool for new and developing Community Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy posts in order to assist and advise on different ways of developing a new service, key results, challenges and solutions. 

The Commissioning Tool was developed in response to feedback from the APCP questionnaire about respiratory physio in the community in 2014, APCP National Conference 2015 and ongoing iCSP discussions.

As a group, we are really keen to offer support to those physiotherapists offering respiratory services in the community as these are often isolated posts.

The group has published a suction guideline for community physiotherapists and hopes to develop further competencies to support these members in the future. 

We are also currently hosting UK wide courses on the respiratory physiotherapy management of paediatric patients in the community. 

  • This document is available for APCP members to download / view - CLICK HERE
  • Non-members can purchase an electronic copy (£4.95 pdf file) - ORDER HERE