

A new Quality Stand on Cystic Fibrosis (QS168) was published by NICE in May 2018

What are NICE Quality Standards?

NICE quality statements are produced after NICE publishes guidance on a particular topic, to ensure that the best evidence is disseminated and translated into health care. Each quality statement includes quality measures: information on how to check to what extent the statement is being achieved, and what the statement might mean for different audiences, e.g. allied health professionals, commissioners, service users, etc.  The quality standards are sent to clinical commissioning groups for implementation.

How can I use this information? 

This information can be used to alert physiotherapists to evidence based standards of health care, auditing physiotherapy and other health care services and possibly be used as part of a case for improving and increasing physiotherapy services. 

Where can I find this information?

Information about this Quality Standard can be fouond on the NICE website.

What are the quality statements for Cystic Fibrosis?

Statement 1 - People with cystic fibrosis have the results of all assessments they have had during the past year reviewed annually by a specialist multidisciplinary team.

Statement 2 - People with cystic fibrosis have individual rooms with en-suite facilities when admitted to hospital as inpatients.

Statement 3 - People with cystic fibrosis who have chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection have sustained treatment with an inhaled antibiotic.

Statement 4 - People with cystic fibrosis who have clinical evidence of lung disease are prescribed rhDNase[1]as the first choice of mucolytic agent.

How could you help implement or use this information where you work?

*This document is evidence based and written by physiotherapists with vast amounts of experience in CF - it can be used to evaluate your current practice and benchmark future practice.

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