Overview of Strength Training in Cerebral Palsy


Sarah Westwater-Wood


Sarah graduated from the University of Nottingham in 1996.  Her clinical paediatric career began in the  Leicester Royal infirmary children's acute  team and progressed via the community setting with a neuro disabilities and orthotic focus progressing to a special interest post in DCD.  Her Masters (MMed SCi Education) reflected the changing direction of her career into higher education as an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham.  Until 2013 Sarah continued her clinical interest with her local Nottinghamshire community paediatric physiotherapy team with the over 5s review, new referrals and orthotic clinics.  


Since 2003 Sarah has been a lecturer with the University of Nottingham, School of Health Sciences.  Having achieved Senior Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy in 2015 Sarah also hold three Lord Dearing Awards for excellence in Teaching and Learning. Sarah's MPhil explored the feasibility of a targeted strength training intervention for children with CP using a single blinded RCT methodology. 


Sarah will present a review of the evidence for strength training for people with cerebral palsy and exercise presciption.