Committee Vacancies and Getting Involved with PPIPs:
PPIPS (Paediatric Physiotherapists in the Independent and Private sectors) is looking to include 6 people on to its committee due to a number of people stepping down having served on the committee since its inception in 2016 – that is a good recommendation for joining! Examples of areas represented by members standing down includes medico-legal / overseas / industry.
PPIPS aims to support anyone in the membership who may be thinking of moving into independent practice or who may be well established within the sector and because of this, we welcome people onto the committee at any stage and area of independent practice. We ask for enthusiasm, ideas and very importantly a wish to drive independent practice forward as a well-respected contribution to paediatric physiotherapy.
PPIPS has sourced many courses on behalf of the membership and more specifically is aiming to address the core training needs of independent practitioners e.g. Safeguarding, Moving and Handling.
A project recently completed by PPIPS was a review of the paediatric measures on the APCP website. Another project is a resource for independent practitioners that includes links to courses, information, and areas to consider when in independent practice that is soon to be uploaded to the PPIPS page, again on the APCP website.
We all aim to meet approximately x4 per year (travel expenses etc reimbursed by APCP) and sometimes a few members have an additional meeting/s to address a current project. Meetings are a mix of F2F / virtual / hybrid.
If you are tempted and would like further information, please email and we can arrange for you to chat with a current member.
PPIPS can be contacted at
The term of office runs from January 2023, initially for 4 years but you will be able to join the committee and get to know them after the AGM in November this year.
News article on Volunteering for Physionet and Support from APCP PPIPS Committee