What are the aims of PPIPS?

PPIPS was formed in 2016 and supports the role of APCP members who work in the independent and private sectors. This might include work in private practice, private hospitals, equipment companies, charities and education.

The PPIPS Committee have a 5 year plan to detail key objectives and activities

What are the aims of PPIPS?

  • To support the role of APCP members who work in the independent and private sectors

This may include members working:

  • as private practitioners - either as sole traders or as employees / associates within a limited company
  • within private hospitals and GP clinics
  • with children with disabilities in schools and colleges
  • with children and young people in sports and the performing arts
  • for registered charities - in paid or voluntary capacity
  • as a medical-legal expert witness or as a case manager
  • overseas and in the developing countries / disaster response
  • physiotherapy education and research
  • in industry - such as orthotic and equipment companies 

 The PIPPS Committee have produced this series of information leaflets for members who are interested in working in the Independent and Private Sectors.

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