Health Transition - Young Person

Year published: 2023

This leaflet has been produced after an initial review of literature and where there is a lack of evidence, a consensus of expert opinion is agreed, correct at time of publication.

This leaflet is freely available and intended for distribution to parents.  APCP is therefore happy for any physiotherapist or other healthcare professional / healthcare organisation to download and print these leaflets for distribution in clinical practice. 

APCP also allows uploading of these leaflets to other website servers to facilitate distributon to parents, however a link to our website will enable the most up to date version to be accessed.


Hislop J, Mason H, Parr JR, Vale L, Colver A, (2016) Views of young People with Chronic Conditions on Transition From Pediatric to Adult Health Services. Journal of Adolescent Health 59 (2016) 345-353

Colver A, Pearse R, Watson RM, Fay M, Rapley T, Mann KD, Le Couteur A, Parr JR, McConachie H,  (2018) How Well Do Services for Young People with Long Term Conditions Deliver Features Proposed to Improve Transition BMC Health Services Research 18: 337

Marani H, Fujioka J, Tabatabavakili S, Bollegala N, (2020) Systemic Narrative Review of Pediatric-to-aduly Care Transition Models for youth with Pediatric-onet Chronic Conditions. Children and Youth Service Review 118 (2020) 105415

McCallum C, (2017) Supporting Young People’s Transition from Children’s to Adult Services in the Community. British Journal of Community Nursing Vol 22 No 1.

NICE (2016) Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services.

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