Supporting play in hospital

Don’t Delay the Play Project: A project from the Great North Children's Hospital


The Don’t Delay the Play project is led by Lindsay Carr (Advanced Paediatric Occupational Therapist) and Penny Walsh (Advanced Paediatric Physiotherapist) and funded by the Great North Children's Hospital Foundation, part of the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Charity 

You can watch a short video about this this project here: Great North Children's Hospital - Don't Delay the Play Poster - YouTube 



The posters are currently displayed on all the children’s wards across (GNCH) and Freeman as well as at a community outpatient clinics. 

Here’s a short summary of their project “Within the Great North Children’s Hospital (GNCH) we started with informal chats with the families and staff involved in the care of this patient group. Then created this poster with bespoke illustrations demonstrating a range of developmental play activities and positions to encourage and support parents/ carers and staff with ideas they can follow. Using a multidisplinary team approach we tried to cover a broad range of physical, functional, sensory and communication based activities. QR codes link to an electronic version of the poster as well as additional resources.It’s important to note that the poster would not replace our specialist interventions for those children who need a more individualised approach, but would instead aim to compliment it and support the work of the ward based play specialists and nurses.” - Lindsay and Penny 

Penny and Lindsay worked with artist Hannah Littler-Smith to produce the illustrations included in their poster. Kindly, the team shared their initial illustrations with the Starting2Move project. Since,  APCP has continued to build on these illustrations with the aim of representing movement for all. 


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