Respiratory Committee

The Respiratory Committee was formed in 2004 and focuses on the management of children with acute and chronic respiratory conditions and supports the role of physiotherapists in both inpatient and community settings.

Providing  training, support and information for physiotherapists to ensure delivery of safe and effective respiratory care to babies, children and young people in the UK.

Respiratory Child


The Respiratory Committee consists of up to 12 nationally elected members. 

Current key objectives and strategies for the Respiratory Committee are set out in the Respiratory Committee Five Year Plan for 2015-2020.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not hold a separate membership list of members interested in paediatric respiratory physiotherapy but you can register to receive notifications about courses (see links below).

The Respiratory Committee currently have vacancies for new committee members, for more information and to apply - CLICK HERE


Additional Resources and Information

The Respiratory Committee have developed and published the following documents to offer further support to members to develop and evaluate paediatric respiratory physiotherapy posts.

  • Supporting Children's Community Respiratory Physiotherapy Services:

    The guide gives some brief information on the causes of respiratory morbidity in children and young people with profound neurodisability. A summary of evidence supporting prevention and treatment and some data from UK community paediatric respiratory services. It then goes on to give suggestions of key metrics to collect to demonstrate the need for services and to audit proposed or existing services. Examples of successful services are provided. Users are free to use the information included in this guide to support local business cases or service improvement projects provided that the source is referenced.

    Please click on the link below:

An APCP Respiratory Risk Identification Matrix for Children and Young People with Neurological Impairment.

Please click on the link below: