Research Participant Recruitment

APCP encourages members to support research into paediatric physiotherapy by opting to receive participant recruitment emails for research relevant to paediatric physiotherapy.

This may include invitations for members to participate in online surveys or focus groups, and requests to assist with participant recruitment by disseminating information to the children, young people and families that they work with.

Please note, as we have experienced a number of requests for survey participation, and to avoid filling members' in boxes with a plethora of surveys; APCP has taken the decision, to create an email broadcast of all available surveys, on a two weekly basis.  Therefore, at the beginning of each month and two weeks later, a list of surveys will be sent out requesting participation. (Information for survey inclusion, to be submitted by 20th and 28th of the month before).

In compliance with the APCP Data Protection Policy, APCP will support requests from researchers by circulating an email on behalf of the researcher/s but will not in any circumstances share members personal details with external parties.  

APCP reserves the right to decline requests that are not considered either to be relevant to paediatric physiotherapy or to have the appropriate ethical approval.   


Submitting your request

  • Submit your request to

  • Your request should include brief details of your research (with links to additional information / the survey as appropriate) and your recruitment aims, together with confirmation of the studies ethical approval.   

  • If you request is accepted you will be asked for specific wording for the email to be circulated unless this has already been submitted. We are unable to attach documents or flyers.  

  • It may be possible to send a second mailing if required.

APCP membership details

APCP is one of the CSP's largest Professional Networks and continues to thrive with a membership of over 2,700.  The majority of our members are qualified physiotherapists practising in the UK, with a small proproportion of the membership comprising qualified physiotherapists working overseas, physiotherapy students and support workers, and other AHPs.

Approximately 2,300 of APCP members currently opt-in to receiving research recruitment emails.  

PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, we are not able to filter mailings to include specific participant criteria.

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