Putting NICE Guidance into Practice

Commissioners of health services take NICE guidance seriously and may change services according to the guidance.  It is therefore important for us all to be aware of NICE guidance that may be relevant to our services, so that we can use the guidance and recommendations to change our practice.

There are many ways that you can use the information provided by NICE in guidelines and recommendations, for example:

  • Deciding on which intervention or the optimal dose to use for a specific condition you treat
  • Planning Clinical Audit - using the quality standards for a condition to audit your services
  • Supporting a case for new or increased physiotherapy services

You will find some specific examples of how guidance has been put into practice HERE

If you would like to share their experiences of being involved with the development of NICE guidance, or of putting guidance into practice in your workplace, please contact the APCP NICE Guidance Officer to discuss your ideas.

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