Promoting physical development: Lying to sitting

All babies develop at different rates. The activities suggested in this leaflet will be useful for you to practice with your child to help them learn to sit up from lying. Whilst you are working with your physiotherapist they will help make this more specific to your child's needs


Encouraging/supporting head control
Tummy time is vital for development (please see the APCP Tummy Time leaflet).

Head control is important and one of the first skills needed for your baby to be able to sit.


EY 1-2




Playing with your child lying on their side
Lying your child on their side is an important position. This helps your child use two hands together. (Practice this on both sides)






Hands to legs and feet
Helping your child to see and play with their feet is an important skill to learn before rolling on to their side








Learning to roll over
Practice this on both sides






Help with sitting
Supporting your child in this position helps them learn to sit










Helping your child sit up from the floor
This will help your child develop the ability to turn their body




If you have any concerns about your baby’s development, please contact your Health Visitor or GP.


V2 published January 2022


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