Movement Concerns

Please seek medical support if you have any concerns about your child’s health (including movement related concerns).

This website offers practical tips that can be used to support early years movement. However, this website is not a replacement for individualised professional advice from health professionals.

Below you will find some advice about common movement concerns ... 

Flat Feet in Young Children

Flat feet are a normal for children under 3 years old and even in older children flat feet do not usually cause any problems.  Older children may require treatment for their flat feet if they experience pain or difficulty running.

Find out more ...
Flat feet

Intoeing Gait

Intoeing is one of the most common normal variants seen in children and should improve as a child grows.

Find out more ...
Intoeing Gait

Head Turning Preference & Plagiocephaly

If you have noticed that your baby is developing a flat spot on the back or side of his head, it could be due to a head turning preference and a sign of plagiocephaly.

Find out more ...

Childrens bone, joint and muscle health

Parents and carers of young children will often seek medical advice regarding the skeletal development of their child

Visit the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website...