London Region Evening Lecture - The Role of Whole Body Vibration to Enhance Rehabilitation in Paediatric Populations

WBV Webinar

An evening lecture hosted by the APCP London Region on 22nd April 2022 with guest speakers Victoria Willaims and Dr Claire Minshull.

The speakers presented an overview of Whole Body Vibration aiming to give attendees a greater understanding of the approach and the types of conditions / presentations that may benefit from the intervention.

These used case studies to explore and gain insight into assessment processes and treatment strategies, measuring outcomes and goal setting and how whole body vibration may fit within the overall management of a child / young person.

Attendees valued the opportunity to find out about this intervention, and felt that the webinar provided an interesting introduction to an alternative therapy not currently widely available.  Many felt that they would need more evidence before they would be able to consider funding a WBV machine and that they would definitely require further training being using.

The full delegate feedback can be viewed HERE.




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