Virginia Knox is a Paediatric Physiotherapist with over 30 years’ experience working with children with cerebral palsy, both in the UK National Health Service and a specialist cerebral palsy charity and she now leads a community paediatric team at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Research interests include standardised outcome measurement and determining efficacy of therapy, publishing in many peer reviewed journals. Virginia has Masters’ degrees in Clinical Neuroscience and Research, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and is a paediatric Bobath tutor. She trains therapists in using outcome measures and assessment and treatment of children with cerebral palsy, throughout the UK and internationally, including several developing countries.
As the APCP Guidance Officer, Virginia has responsibility for registering APCP as a stakeholder for all relevant NICE guidance to ensure that paediatric physiotherapy is represented, and for co-ordinating APCP engagement with NICE.
If you would like to share their experiences of being involved with the development of NICE guidance, or of putting guidance into practice in your workplace, please contact the APCP NICE Guidance Officer to discuss your ideas.