APCP London Region Evening Webinar - Supporting Successful Transition

Supporting Successful Transition

This evening webinar was presented by Susie Turner.  Susie is an advanced paediatric physiotherapy practitioner and deputy clinical lead for paediatric physiotherapy at Evelina London Children's Hospital.

In 2020, Susie was accepted as a NICE scholar to undertake a project supported by NICE to identify the gaps and challenges with transition and access to adult services for individuals with CP.  The project aimed to improve the quality of care for this group, ensuring that services for individuals with CP through transition and beyond are fit for the future.

In this presentation, Susie explained how she linked her project to the relevant NICE quality standards and guidelines on transition from children's to adults' services, CP in under 25s and CP in adults .


  • To understand the importance of successful transition
  • To consider relevant NICE guidance 
  • To reflect on success of transition using a gap analysis carried out across the South East Region, based on the relevant NICE guidance
  • To reflect on our own services and pathways to improve the experience for our patients

The webinar was well attended with @ 80 members attending.  

Susie's presentation highlighted the gaps in service still present for many children and young people transitioning to adult services and challenged all use the NICE guidelines and quality standards to help develop improved pathways in their own areas.

The full delegate feedback can be viewed HERE




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